Finland Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction or shortly SIGCHI Finland operates to promote increased knowledge of and greater interest in the science, design, development, and applications of modern computing in human-computer interaction (HCI). In addition, the association aims at providing means of communication to professionals and students in the field of HCI. Association organizes seminars and publishes material in Finnish and English according to possibilities. Association is a member of international ACM SIGCHI-association.
Association could not accomplish our goals without the supporting members,
Please see the opportunities that SIGCHI Finland provides for the members in the Membership page (In Finnish).
The Association’s History
SIGCHI Finland was founded on February 1st, 2001, upon which Roope Raisamo (University of Tampere) was elected chairperson. Other members of the board were vice-chairperson Anu Mäkelä (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology), secretary Ira Laitakari-Svärd (Benefon), treasurer Johan Plomp (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – Electronics) as well as Pekka Ketola (Nokia Mobile Phones) and Sirpa Pulkkinen (Elisa Communications).